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Bridging the World with Chinese: Global youth meet in Tianjin
发布时间:2024年10月31日 18:47:13  来源: 环球网

  原标题:Bridging the World with Chinese: Global youth meet in Tianjin

  A grand cultural event was recently held in north China's Tianjin municipality, turning the city into big stage of international exchanges.

  The 17th Chinese Bridge - Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign Secondary School Students and the 4th Chinese Bridge - Chinese Show for Foreign Primary School Students, which started on Oct. 14 and ended on Oct. 29, was joined by over 400 people from 102 countries and regions.

  At the event, participants shared their stories about China in fluent Chinese and performed Peking Opera, calligraphy, and guzheng music, which demonstrated their exceptional language skills and diverse artistic abilities.

  During the event, they visited landmarks of Tianjin, including Jiefang Bridge, the Tientsin Eye Ferris Wheel and Tianjin Port, which allowed them to not only enjoy the cityscape of Tianjin, but also witness the inclusiveness and intelligent development of the city.

  The event provided the participants with an opportunity to showcase their Chinese language skills, witness the rapid development of Tianjin, and deepen their cultural understanding of China.

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